The BIG Store is committed to donating 10% of all commissions and fees that it receives to a selected
charity. The charity will change on a quarterly basis, and will be a well known reputable cause.
You may request statements of the amount received from commissions and fees by The BIG Store versus the
amount donated to charity at anytime. Just email the Store Director
and he will reply with the information.
The charity for this quarter is:
The BIG Store is not directly affiliated with this organization, but has deemed it a worthy cause.
The BIG Store Management
At The BIG Store, when you click on a link and buy a product from one of our partner companies,
that company pays a fee or commission to The BIG Store for the referral. Sometimes the commission is
a flat per click commission, and at other times, the commission is based on a percentage of the total
price of the goods purchased.
If you would like to make a direct contribution to this organization, we suggest you click on its logo above.
This will take you to their website where you can make a direct contribution.